How to make amazon drive desktop launch sync
How to make amazon drive desktop launch sync

how to make amazon drive desktop launch sync
  1. #How to make amazon drive desktop launch sync install#
  2. #How to make amazon drive desktop launch sync full#
  3. #How to make amazon drive desktop launch sync password#
  4. #How to make amazon drive desktop launch sync windows#

If a folder isn't being properly synchronized, be sure to check the folder's sharing/security settings.

#How to make amazon drive desktop launch sync windows#

Google Drive not working properly as a Windows Service?

how to make amazon drive desktop launch sync

We encourage you to edit the entry in AlwaysUp and check out the many other settings that may be appropriate for your environment. That's it! Next time your computer boots, Google Drive will start up immediately, before anyone logs on. Show Google Drive's tray icon in Session 0. On Windows 10, 8, 7, 2012, 2008 or Vista (or when connecting via RDP), you can choose Application > Restart "Google Drive" in this Session to temporarily stop Google Drive and restart it on your desktop to show Google Drive's tray icon.Īnd if restarting is problematic, you can follow these instructions to Note that you probably won't see Google Drive's tray icon appear as it is running in the backgroundīut synchronization should proceed normally. To start Google Drive from AlwaysUp choose Application > Start "Google Drive". If Google Drive is running, close it now by clicking on the tray icon and selecting Quit Google Drive from the menu.ĪlwaysUp will not be able to start Google Drive properly if it is already running. (Note that this setting is somewhat misleading - it would only start Google Drive when you log in!) Uncheck the Start Google Drive automatically when you start your computer box near the bottom.

how to make amazon drive desktop launch sync

Start Google Drive if necessary ( Start button > All Programs > Google Drive > Google Drive) In a couple of seconds, an application called Google Drive will show up in the AlwaysUp window.īefore we start Google Drive as a Windows Service, we must prevent a second copy from starting when you log on. This informs AlwaysUp that Google Drive needs TCP/IP networking support to do its work.Ĭlick the Save button. Note: This the login for your PC, not yourĬlick over to the Startup tab and check the Ensure that the Windows Networking components have started box. Google Drive must run in this account so that it can find its settings.

#How to make amazon drive desktop launch sync password#

We recommend that you add it to the Arguments field too.Ĭlick over to the Logon tab and enter the user name and password of the Windows account in which you installed and configured Google Drive. " -noshow_confirmation_dialog_on_delete"Ĭommand line switch to deactivate the prompt. "If a network user deletes a file in the (shared) google drive folder on the server the message pops up on the SERVER! User interaction is required on the SERVER!" This prompt will stall Google Drive until you notice it and click OK - a real problem if you are not even logged on to see it! Furthermore, as Barry de Wit, who graciously brought this issue to our attention points out, Try to get your attention with a prompt when you delete an item from your Google Drive folder: Note (June 5, 2013): Google Drive 1.9 will In the Arguments field, enter /autostart. We have entered Google Drive but you can specify almost anything you like.

how to make amazon drive desktop launch sync

In the Name field, enter the name that you will call the application in AlwaysUp. If you installed Google Drive in the default location, this is:Ĭ:\Program Files\Google\Drive\googledrivesync.exe

#How to make amazon drive desktop launch sync full#

In the Application field, enter the full path to the Google Drive Sync executable, googledrivesync.exe. Select Application > Add to open the Add Application window: Please make a note of where you installed it as this will be used in a later step.

#How to make amazon drive desktop launch sync install#

Download and install AlwaysUp, if necessary.ĭownload, install and configure Google Drive, if necessary.

How to make amazon drive desktop launch sync